police programming
ISRAELI KRAV MAGA trains police for the real world:
Practical application for real-world self-defense, restraint, and control
We know that everyone you encounter presents a unique situation – we will give you the tools to be adaptive in the moment
Easy to learn – Krav Maga uses the body’s instincts and natural mechanics
New techniques and fitness skills are added as you proceed through all levels
We constantly evolve our training to meet and exceed the criminal mindset; we know in many cases you have one only chance
We have, and continue to train the world’s most elite law enforcement and military programs on earth
Our Schools are the only certified Krav Maga training from United States Chief Instructor Israeli Krav Maga and award-winning author — Authority David Kahn
Deescalation techniques
Loose weight
Release stress
Increase stability
Environmental awareness
Faster body mechanics
Reaction with purpose
Deescalation techniques
Targeted fitness
Real-world scenarios
The legal landscape
Mental & physical training
Diverse programs
Seminars are available
Israeli Krav Maga is designed to prepare officers to prevail against any type of violent street confrontation or eventuality. Defensive tactics might require defending against an assailant wielding an edged weapon, impact weapon or a firearm. Multiple opponent strategies and tactics are also emphasized. Officers re taught a few highty effective and dominant control tactics to subdue a perpetrator or, to effectively delploy and implement higher use of force options. High risk/SWAT operation and Counter-Terror tactics, along with use-of-force considerations are integral to the training.
We are certified through the New Jersey Police Training Commission and Mercer County Police Academy, and teach federal, state and municipal agencies. Proof of training and commendations are on file.
Please contact us regarding any upcoming Law Enforcement Training programs, or to inquire about a program specific to your department or agency.
Law enforcement, first responders, and specialized security are entitled to variable pricing. We’ll work to ensure we have you trained to the best of your physical ability, whether you are an individual or need training for an entire state — we can make it work.